冯亚斌 副教授



电子邮箱    fengyabinyx@zwu.edu.cn


2017.09-2021.06         江苏大学, 食品科学与工程,博士

2014.09-2017.01         浙江万里学院,生物工程,硕士

2010.09-2014.06         浙江万里学院,生物技术,本科


2024.12-至今               浙江万里学院,生物与环境学院,副教授

2021.07-2024.12         浙江万里学院,生物与环境学院,讲师




1. 基于孔隙结构和细胞溶胀性的冻干大蒜复水后组织内空气滞留的产生机制研究国家自然科学基金委2024.01-2026.1230万元;

2. 关山樱花全年化加工关键技术研究与产品开发,宁波市公益类科技计划项目(重点项目),2025.01-2027.12,40万元;

3. 休闲冻干水蜜桃节水节能高质化加工关键技术研究浙江省自然科学基金委2023.01-2025.1210万元;

4. 休闲冻干杨梅绿色高质化加工关键技术集成与示范宁波市公益类科技计划项目2022.08-2024.0720万元;

5. 葡萄加工品种优选、罐藏技术及产品创制的研究与开发宁波市公益类科技计划项目2022.08-2025.076万元。


1. Catalytic infrared radiation dry-peeling Technology for non-Frozen and Frozen Grapes: Effects on temperature, peeling performance, and quality attributes,Food Chemistry,2024,455:139854,SCI一区通讯作者

2. Ultrasound synergistic slightly acidic electrolyzed water treatment of grapes: impacts on microbial loads, wettability, and postharvest storage qualityUltrasonics Sonochemistry2024103:106751,SCI一区第一作者

3. Ultrasonic synergistic slightly acidic electrolyzed water processing to improve postharvest storage quality of Chinese bayberryUltrasonics Sonochemistry2023101:106668,SCI一区通讯作者

4. Comparative evaluation of quality attributes of the dried cherry blossom subjected to different drying techniquesFoods202313(1):104,SCI二区通讯作者

5. Improving the hot sir drying of garlic slices by perforation synergistic alcohol pretreatmentDrying Technology202341(13):2077-2087,SCI第一作者

6. Selection of ripeness stages for hot-air drying of peaches based on drying characteristics and physicochemical propertiesJournal of Food Measurement and Characterization202318(3):1980-1990,SCI通讯作者

7. Role of drying techniques on physical, rehydration, flavor, bioactive compounds and antioxidant characteristics of garlicFood Chemistry2021343:128404SCI一区第一作者

8. Effect of freeze-thaw cycles pretreatment on the vacuum freeze-drying process and physicochemical properties of the dried garlic slicesFood Chemistry2020324:126883SCI一区第一作者

9. Vacuum pretreatment coupled to ultrasound assisted osmotic dehydration as a novel method for garlic slices dehydrationUltrasonics Sonochemistry201950:363-372,SCI一区第一作者

10. Improvement of the catalytic infrared drying process and quality characteristics of the dried garlic slices by ultrasound-assisted alcohol pretreatmentLWT - Food Science and Technology2019116:108577SCI一区第一作者


1. 一种提高大蒜片渗透脱水效率及蒜素含量的方法ZL201810522371.42021.10排名2/6


1. 浙江省原子能农学会会员